Phase Linear Microwave Cable Assemblies
For many years, designers all over the world have relied on Amphenol CIT’s UTiFLEX® Flexible Microwave Cable Assemblies for the most demanding defense, space, and testing applications. When a microwave assembly must deliver consistent reliable performance over time, UTiFLEX has become the industry choice.
Now, Amphenol CIT offers UTiPHASE™, which combines every traditional feature of UTiFLEX with a thermally phase-stable proprietary dielectric that eliminates the PTFE “knee”. UTiPHASE also leverages the same cable assembly terminations and proven connector families that have made UTiFLEX famous, thus saving money, validation schedules, and lead-times.
• Commercial and military phased-array radars
• Synthetic aperture radars
• Thermal test sets
• Any RF/microwave system operating at or near room temperature
• Commercial and military aerospace SATCOM and TCAS (Traffic Collision Avoidance System)
Features superior electrical performance through 70 GHz in a compact package. Ideal solution for installations with tight routing requirements.
Features broadest connector selection and optimized electrical performance through 26 GHz. Rugged and ideally-sized for most applications.
UTiPHASE Qualification Test Plan
To inquire about UTiPHASE™ Phase Linear Microwave Cable Assemblies available from Amphenol CIT, please fill out the form below, and one of our Sales Engineers will contact you.
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