ECS Specialty Connectors & Adapters

High Voltage Connectors/Adapters

Cable Part # Connector/Adapter Type
310801 BHSL022 CHB022 CHC022
311201 CHR1011  CHS1011
N/A THA101 "T" Adapter
HN Plug-Jack-Jack

RF Feed-Through Adapters

Adapter part # Connector Type Description
BTF101 Bulkhead TNC 50 Ohm Hermetically Sealed Feed-Through Adapter
BNF101 Bulkhead N 50 Ohm Hermetically Sealed Feed-Through Adapter

ARINC Adapters

Adapter Part # Description
LMT101 ARINC 404 Size 1 to TNC Adapter
MT1122 ARINC 600 Size 1 RF Termination Kit
for ECS cable 311201421201
MT7122 ARINC 600 Size 1 RF Termination Kit
for ECS cable 3119013C058A,

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Select PNs are available off-the-shelf in low-volume quantities through our Amphenol CIT Direct Service.

Product Information Resources

ECS Avionics RF Assemblies datasheet
Portable Coaxial Cable Stripper Kit datasheet
FlightGearTM Blind Mate Antenna Connector datasheet

Product Categories

Product Markets

Commercial Aerospace

More Information

To inquire about ECS Specialty Connectors & Adapters available from Amphenol CIT, please fill out the form below, and one of our Sales Engineers will contact you.

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