ECS HN Connectors

RF Coaxial Cables with Corresponding Connector Type

Available through Amphenol CIT Direct!
Select PNs are available off-the-shelf in low-volume quantities through our Amphenol CIT Direct Service.

Use the following chart to match the desired cable with the required connector.

Cable Part # HN 90°
532101 N/A
432101 N/A
352001 CHR3522
3C058A CHR722
3C142B CHR722
311901 CHR722
421601 CHR922
311601 CHR922
311501 CHR922
421201 CHR122
311201 CHR122
310801 CHR022
310701 N/A

Product Information Resources

ECS Avionics RF Assemblies datasheet Portable Coaxial Cable Stripper Kit datasheet

Product Categories

Product Markets

Commercial Aerospace

More Information

To inquire about ECS HN Connectors available from Amphenol CIT, please fill out the form below, and one of our Sales Engineers will contact you.

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