Use the following chart to match the desired cable with the required connector.
Cable Part # | C 90° | C Straight |
532101 | CCR522 (IGS, STEP) |
CCS522 |
432101 | CCR522 (IGS, STEP) |
CCS522 |
352001 | CCR3522 (IGS, STEP) |
CCS3522 (IGS, STEP) |
3C058A | CCR722 (IGS, STEP) |
CCS722 |
3C142B | CCR722 (IGS, STEP) |
CCS722 |
311901 | CCR722 (IGS, STEP) |
CCS722 |
421601 | CCR922 | CCS922 |
311601 | CCR922 | CCS922 (IGS, STEP) |
311501 | CCR922 | CCS922 (IGS, STEP) |
421201 | CCR122 | CCS122 |
311201 | CCR122 | CCS122 |
310801 | CCR022 (IGS, STEP) |
CCS022 (IGS, STEP) |
310701 | CCR002 (IGS, STEP) |
N/A |
311001 | CCR102 | N/A |
Half the diameter of RG cables and up to 75% lighter than MIL-C-17 standard cables.
Designed and fabricated to meet industry specifications including MIL-C-39012, ARINC 600, and ARINC 404, our rugged and durable ECS brand Avionics RF Connectors seal out moisture and hydraulic fluids, are durable enough to withstand extreme environmental variations in temperature and pressure, and resist vibration.
High-performance, lightweight and quality assemblies to reduce your operational costs.
ECS Avionics RF Assemblies datasheet
Portable Coaxial Cable Stripper Kit datasheet
To inquire about ECS Type C Connectors available from Amphenol CIT, please fill out the form below, and one of our Sales Engineers will contact you.
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